When Someone Dies
Role of the Coroner
Unfortunately, most of us will be confronted with the task of arranging the funeral of a loved one, which, in the midst of grief, can be a daunting ordeal.
The coroner may decide a post-mortem is needed to find out how the person died. This can be done either in a hospital or mortuary.
You cannot object to a coroner’s post-mortem – but if you’ve asked the coroner must tell you (and the person’s GP) when and where the examination will take place.
If the coroner decides to hold an inquest
A coroner must hold an inquest if the cause of death is still unknown, or if the person:
possibly died a violent or unnatural death
died in prison or police custody
You cannot register the death until after the inquest. The coroner is responsible for sending the relevant paperwork to the registrar.
The death cannot be registered until after the inquest, but the coroner can give you an interim death certificate to prove the person is dead. You can use this to let organisations know of the death and apply for probate.
When the inquest is over the coroner will tell the registrar what to put in the register.
After the post-mortem
The coroner will release the body for a funeral once they have completed the post-mortem examinations and no further examinations are needed.
If the body is released with no inquest, the coroner will send a form (‘Pink Form – form 100B’) to the registrar stating the cause of death. The coroner will also send a ‘Certificate of Coroner – form Cremation 6’ if the body is to be cremated.
There may be other things to consider. This is not an exhaustive list, but outlines those things which are relevant in most circumstances. For further advice or guidance, please ask one of our Funeral Directors.

Useful Info & Contacts
See below in each section for useful info and contacts you may need. For any other information don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Registrars Offices
Belfast City Council
You may make an appointment by calling 028 9027 0455
Email registrar@belfastcity.gov.uk
6th floor, 9 Adelaide
C/O Cecil Ward Building
4-10 Linenhall Street
Belfast, BT2 8BP
Antrim Civic Centre Office
The office is located in Antrim Civic Centre,
50 Stiles Way,
BT41 2UB
Tel: 028 9446 3113
Email: registrar@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk
Mossley Mill Office
The office is located in Mossley Mill
Carnmoney Road North,
BT36 5AQ
Tel: 028 9034 0179
Email: registrar@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk
Lisburn & Castlereagh Councils
Lisburn Office
Island Civic Centre
The Island, Lisburn
BT27 4RL
Tel; 028 92509262
Email; bdm.registration@lisburn.gov.uk
Castlereagh Office
Bradford Court
Upper Gallwally, Belfast
Tel; 028 90494520
Email; maryh@castlereagh.gov.uk
Who To Inform
Relatives and friends Employers/School Solicitor/Accountant National Insurance Contributions Office if they were self - employed (to cancel payments) Landlord or Local Authority if the deceased rented their property Local Authority if the deceased paid Council Tax, was issued with disabled parking badge, Any private organisation/agency providing home help General insurance companies - house contents, car, travel, medical etc Bank/Building Society Mortgage provider Hire purchase or loan companies Credit card providers/Store cards Utility companies, if accounts were in the deceased’s name TV / Internet companies with which the deceased had subscriptions Royal Mail, if mail needs re-directing UK Passport Agency, to return and cancel a passport Social groups to which the deceased belonged Dentist Creditors - anyone to whom the deceased owed money Debtors - anyone who owed the deceased money
Things that may need to be returned
Order books/benefits Registration documents for the deceased’s car (if necessary) Season ticket and membership cards of any clubs or associations, as a refund may be due Benefit/pension books and any unused cheques/ vouchers should be returned to the benefit’s of-fice
Who Can Register A Death
A relative A person present at the time of death The person arranging the funeral.
Where you can register a death At any registrar’s office within Northern Ireland
Information required when registering a death Deceased full name, surname (and maiden name) Deceased date and place of birth Deceased date and place of death Deceased occupation Deceased usual address If married the name, occupation and date of birth of the surviving spouse Whether the person who died was receiving a pension or other public fund.
Documents you will need to take Medical Certificate of the Cause of Death – If the death has been referred to the Coroner, the Coroners office will advise you what to do. Details of pension or allowance the deceased was receiving.
Documents you will receive from the registrar You will receive a form GRO21 from the registrar which we require to allow us to carry out the funeral arrangements. This should be delivered to the Funeral Director as soon as possible.
Useful Support Contacts
Social Security Agency
Castle Buildings
Tel: 028 9052 0520
Citizens Advice Bureau
11 Upper Crescent
Tel: 028 9023 1120
The Centre for the Grief Journey
Dr. Bill Webster
The Child Death Helpline
Tel: 0800 282 986
Cruse Bereavement Care
Tel: 0844 477 940
The Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (SANDS)
Tel: 020 7436 5881
Survivors or Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS)
Tel: 0844 561 6855
The Samaritans
5 Wellesley Avenue
Tel; 028 90664422
Tiny Life
33 Ballynahinch Road
Tel; 028 90815050
Information on Funeral Costs
-The overall cost of the funeral is determined by the calculation of a number of items:
-The coffin or casket
-The removal from place of death / mortuary
-Funeral hearse Limousine (s)
-Professional services, all legalities and liaisons with authorities and authoritive figures --Embalming Doctor fees
-Clergy and church fees
-Organist fees
-Hymn sheet production Compiling and inserting obituary notices in newspapers and uploading onto internet / facebook Preparing and attending to all necessary documentation Making and receiving telephone calls, paying fees on your behalf
-Receiving administering and acknowledging donations
A proportion of the cost associated with insurance, heat and light, vehicles, premises and the provision of staff on call 24/7-365 days per year
The account is normally sent out 2 weeks after the funeral.
What Our Families are Saying
I cannot speak highly enough of the people that I dealt with on the death of my partner. They were all superb throughout a very stressful time. Special thanks must go to Mark who was marvellous, read at the service and provided support to me when I needed it.
A really professional service from start to finish. They were sympathetic, listened to our needs and offered sensible advice to the family.
Simple things such as when we were getting picked up in the limo the 1st thing the driver did was to check everyone was OK, did anyone need a bottle of water. It makes you as the client feel looked after.
All of the staff to be honest were great, I felt they really looked after my father and helped give him a really great send off.
If you find yourself in the awful situation of needing an undertaker, your loved one will be well looked after here
Sincerely could not ask for a better service at such a traumatic and stressful time for the family. From the moment that we had got in contact, we could not have asked for a more understanding, thoughtful and helping individual to deal with ourselves. A true credit to your company.